
STEAM is an educational approach that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics for guiding student inquiry, collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking. Through our STEAM classes, students are able to take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, and work through the creative process. We offer a STEAM curriculum geared for prekindergarten, lower, middle and upper school students. Imagination and individual creativeness are stressed as each child uses his/her unique abilities to explore, create, and learn. Our students engage with STEAM content in innovative ways that value their individual perspective while fostering their 21st century skills. Fuqua School’s STEAM curriculum is one of the many ways we are preparing students with the diverse range of lifelong skills they will need in the workplace, college and beyond.
The development of STEAM-proficient students begins with our littlest Falcons, our PK students. Children who study STEAM at an early age also develop a variety of skills that are essential for success: critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, communication, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. The Fuqua School STEAM Lab hosts lower and middle school classes weekly to enable students to explore and connect concepts in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Through the STEAM Lab, students explore technology and engineering solutions and appropriately apply the concepts of mathematics in order to understand and address real-life issues, problems, and challenges. As students progress through our STEAM curriculum, students begin to independently integrate STEAM concepts into other disciplines, and are able to answer more complex questions, investigate global issues, solve real-world problems, and meet real-world challenges while engaging in a meaningful, purposeful, and relevant hands-on inquiry-based, problem-based and/or project-based learning experiences.
Here is a few of our exciting adventures in our S.T.E.A.M. Lab for our students:
- Both Chromebook and iPad carts allowing students, via Microsoft Office 365, to create, collaborate, inform and publish independently and together;
- Integrated coding and robotics opportunities throughout the curriculum at all age levels using the Coding Caterpillar, Lego Robotics kits, Spheros, Ozobots and more;
- 3D design and printing capabilities with our 3D printers;
- A maker-space which provides students the opportunity to explore their own interests and learn to use tools and materials, both physical and virtual, while developing creative projects;
- The use of our green screen technology to create, edit and publish media such as commercials, newscasts, or short films;
- Experimenting with virtual reality goggles to explore the inside of a human body, Egyptian pyramids, the moon, and so much more!
- Upper School students have access to iPads, Lego robotics, drones, and rockets as they solve local issues, collaborate on challenges, design and model solutions, create solutions, and learn about forces and design criteria.