Honors and Awards

students receiving honors awards

Academic Societies are designed to recognize academic excellence and strong interest in specific content areas: English, math, science, social studies, Spanish, Latin, art, music, and theater. Students inducted into an academic society must have earned at least a 3.3 to 3.7 GPA in the specific content area (see individual applications), an overall 2.0 GPA, and qualify behaviorally. Each society also has additional criteria. Membership in a society is by application in the fall of an academic year. Once inducted, a student is not required to reapply in subsequent years. 


Art Honor Society Application

English Honor Society Application

Latin Honor Society Application

Mathematics Honor Society Application

Science Honor Society Application

Spanish Honor Society Application

Taylor History Society Application

Theater Honor Society Application

Tri-M Music Honor Society Application


This award is given annually to a male and female student athlete from the senior class.  The recipient must:

  • Demonstrate the qualities of unselfish leadership and sportsmanship which enhance the spirit of teamwork
  • Have contributed to the athletic program at Fuqua School through active participation on one or more varsity teams
  • Exhibit genuine dedication as demonstrated by service to the community

This statewide program, which takes place during the summer, enhances the participant’s knowledge of state and local government and encourages participation in each. Students are selected during their junior year for their outstanding leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty, interest in government, and service to their schools and community. Students are sponsored by Fuqua School and community civic organizations.

Fuqua School has a long-standing tradition of selecting a piece of art by a high school student each year for its permanent collection. The Upper School Faculty vote on the nominated works; the winner receives a certificate and $50, and the artwork is framed and displayed around the school.

The Arta Lockridge Nottingham Chappius Award is presented annually to a student in grade 9-12 for outstanding accomplishments in poetry and writing. 

The candidate must:

  • be actively enrolled at Fuqua School
  • be of sound character
  • possess a deep concern for mankind
  • possess a deep concern and appreciation for the world 
  • show focus, clarity, organization, and style in writing

Brandon T. Davis attended Fuqua School from kindergarten through his graduation in 2005. Brandon dies on January 10, 2008, as a result of injuries sustained in an earlier car accident. He is remembered as a happy, loving, and compassionate person. Brandon’s beautiful smile, twinkling eyes and winning ways made all who knew him feel special. When Brandon attended Fuqua, he loved sports and played almost every sport offered; therefore, his family has established the Brandon T. Davis Athletic Award that recognizes two outstanding athletes who are currently in the 10th or 11th grade.

 Recipients of the award are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Dedicated to the team’s effort
  • Encourages fellow teammates
  • Shows respect for the coaching staff
  • Give 100% effort
  • Plays from the heart

Coach Beth Fore was both a teacher and a coach at Prince Edward Academy/Fuqua School from 1973 until 2003. During her tenure she coached both basketball and softball, instilling in her student athletes’ good moral character, high academic achievement, and teamwork in everyday life.

This award is presented to a female athlete in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Contributed to the athletic program at Fuqua School as a participant in two or more varsity sports
  • Demonstrates excellence in her pursuits, generosity of spirit, graciousness in both victory and defeat, perseverance in pursuit of success, and character above all

The Fuqua School Chapter of The Cum Laude Society received its charter in May of 2008. The Cum Laude Society is an international organization that recognizes academic excellence by inducting the top 20% of the senior class based on GPA. The top 10% is inducted at the beginning of the academic year; the second 10% at the end of the year. Students inducted into the Cum Laude Society must have been enrolled at Fuqua School since the beginning of their junior year and qualify behaviorally for a leadership/honor privilege (see page 33, #5).

The Daphne S. Mason English Award is a $100 award given to a member of the senior class. The criteria is based on character within the English classroom. The recipient has been chosen using the following criteria:

  •  he/she has shown perseverance in the study of English grammar and literature
  • he/she has contributed to a positive atmosphere during class discussions
  • he/she has displayed sensitivity to the feelings and concerns of fellow classmates

The Donald L. Groseclose Award is presented each year to a student, or students chosen as the most outstanding student in the senior class to complete an internship program.  The recipient must:

  • demonstrate exceptional talent in all areas of applied industrial and mechanical technology
  • exhibit a willingness to explore new techniques in the field
  • demonstrate qualities which distinguish the student as a leader in the workplace setting
  • participate in an internship in the field where applied technology skills can be used and show demonstration of these skills to his/her supervisor with high remarks

 This award is presented in memory of Donald Groseclose who taught industrial arts at Prince Edward Academy from 1962 until his untimely death in 1977. 

The Fred D. Young Award is presented annually to a student in grade 9–12 chosen as the most promising in an externship program. The recipient must:

  •  demonstrate cooperation and enthusiasm
  • exhibit imagination, originality, and innovation in producing quality work in an externship program
  • exhibit behavior which is a positive influence on other students
  • participate in externships where the student has demonstrated a skillset above and beyond what is asked of a normal extern
  • shown passion for a career in the field of interest

The Falcon Award is presented annually to one female and one male athlete of the Senior class who:

  • Possesses a strong work ethic in practice, commitment to the team and a positive team-oriented attitude
  • Have shown dedication, mentorship, and commitment over the years on a Varsity sport
  • Have shown toughness throughout the season and demonstrated factors that might not show up in statistics but are important to team success
  • Have focus, discipline, and perseverance

To become a “Friend of Fuqua”, our current Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen must perform more than 25 hours of service for Fuqua School. Since these extra Fuqua hours do not count toward the student’s total community service requirement, we acknowledge this accomplishment with a pin.

The Glenn Math Award is presented annually to a member of the senior class. The recipient must meet the following criteria:  

  • Demonstrates exceptional achievement in the area of mathematics
  • Applies his/her ability and interest in mathematics beyond the classroom
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm for sharing mathematical knowledge and ideas with others
  • Demonstrates strong ability to apply mathematics in creative problem solving
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students

The Hargrove Fine Arts Award is presented annually to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated excellence in the area of the arts at Fuqua School. Specifically, the student possesses the following qualities:

  • Produces quality art which shows independent initiative
  • Exhibits strong imagination and originality of thought
  • Shows enthusiasm for his/her work and for the fine arts
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students

All sophomores are eligible to apply for selection as the Fuqua School representative in the all-expense-paid Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation (HOBY) Leadership Seminar held each spring in Virginia and in all 50 states and several territories and countries. HOBY’s purpose is to bring together high school sophomores who have demonstrated leadership ability and provide them an opportunity to interact with distinguished leaders in business, government, education, and the professions to discuss present and future issues. This student is selected on the basis of leadership ability, sensitivity to others, and a demonstrated desire to communicate knowledge with others. Emphasis is on personal incentive and leadership potential.

The Hollins University Book Award is presented to a young lady from the Junior class who has demonstrated excellence in writing, has solid overall achievement, and a strong work ethic.

In addition to the Book Award, the selected young lady will receive a $24,000 Academic Merit Award to be applied annually to tuition, should she choose to attend Hollins University.

Ainsley Bryant could light up a room with her smile – a smile that radiated warmth, sincerity, and a wonderful charm.  Loved by those who knew her, Ainsley was a true friend who gave unwavering support to others.  She had a deep love for children and for Fuqua School, and her optimistic spirit touched everyone with whom she came in contact. 

Ainsley was a member of the Fuqua School class of 2004 who died in an automobile accident on December 15, 2007.  The Jennifer Ainsley Bryant Award, in the amount of $1,000, celebrates her life and is presented annually to the Fuqua School rising Senior who most reflects the qualities Ainsley possessed.     

  • an enthusiastic love for life
  • steadfast dedication to other people
  • a joyful personality
  • sincerity  
  • a profound love for children
  • a deep devotion to Fuqua School 
Each year, the faculty and students at Fuqua School vote to select a senior as their DAR Good Citizen. This competition is sponsored by the Society of Daughters of the American Revolution and includes a scholarship competition based on the following qualifications: dependability, service, leadership, patriotism, and an essay.

Fuqua School has been hand-selected to join an exclusive group of private schools whose students are now eligible to receive a 50% tuition discount to Liberty University.  This special scholarship cuts the cost of Liberty's world-class education in half.  Fuqua students who attend 9th through 12th grade are eligible.  You can learn more about this scholarship and additional terms and conditions that apply at Liberty.edu/ResAid

This award is given to a member of the senior class who best meets the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates high proficiency in the use of language
  • Understands and has a deep appreciation of the culture
  • Shows initiative and enthusiasm for the language
  • Demonstrates a willingness to share knowledge and ideas with others
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students

The President's Award for Educational Excellence is provided nationally by the office of the President of the United States to graduating seniors who have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and have achieved in the 85th percentile or higher in Math or Reading on a nationally recognized standardized achievement test. Eligible students are awarded with a certificate, signed by the President of the United States, and a pin.

This award is presented each year to a male athlete(s) in accordance with the following criteria:

  • have contributed to the athletic program at Fuqua School as a major participant on two or more varsity teams
  • demonstrate a dedication to the team concept and the Fuqua School athletic program through singular effort and determination

The Redd Science Award is presented each year to a member of the graduating class who best exemplifies the following:

  • Demonstrates exceptional talent in the area of science
  • Shows originality and depth of thought
  • Is inquisitive and takes initiative to explore the realms of science
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm for sharing scientific knowledge and ideas with others
  • Demonstrates determination and strong motivation
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students

This award is presented to two rising seniors according to the criteria set forth below:

  • have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 at the end of the first semester of the junior year
  • possess good character
  • exhibit dedication to classmates and school
  • have participated and displayed good sportsmanship at the varsity level in one or more interscholastic sports at Fuqua School
  • have attended Fuqua School in at least grades 9 - 11

The Robert T. and Frances Redd Fund for Professional Development and Academic Advancements is sponsored by the Fuqua School and Prince Edward Academy Retired Teachers Association and endorsed by the Rural Education Foundation.

Mr. Robert T. Redd, former Headmaster of Prince Edward Academy and his wife, Frances, were unwavering in their belief that excellent teaching is the most important element of any school, and that teachers need opportunities to hone their skills, be exposed to new ideas, and pursue perfection in their craft.  They also recognized the financial challenges families in Southside Virginia encounter when sending students to college. 

The Robert T. & Frances Redd Fund for Professional Development and Academic Advancement was created in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Redd to perpetuate their beliefs by providing professional development funds for teacher improvement and to provide a partial scholarship for Fuqua School graduates who will be attending his alma mater, Virginia Tech. Each recipient will receive a certificate and a $1,000 scholarship applied to tuition at Virginia Tech.

The Scholars Program is comprised of students who achieved honor roll status both semesters of the previous year. Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who qualify are named to the Scholars Program at the beginning of every academic year. To qualify as a High Academic Scholar, the student’s semester grades from the previous academic year must be all A's; Academic Scholars all A's and B's; Merit Scholars 3.0 GPA with no grade less than C-. Students inducted into the Scholars Program must have attended Fuqua School throughout the entire previous academic year and qualify behaviorally for a leadership/honor privilege (see page 33, #5) prior to induction. Membership must be earned each year.

An award given to seniors who have documented 100+ hours in the community, outside of Fuqua School, is the Silver Service Award.  We believe these students deserve special recognition because they exemplify the attitude of service we wish to foster here at Fuqua.  These students will receive a special cord to wear during our commencement exercises.

The Taylor Social Studies Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who best fits the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates an understanding and deep appreciation of social studies, including history, current events, and world cultures
  • Is inquisitive and shows originality and depth of thought
  • Demonstrates an enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and ideas with others
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students

Selection of the school's valedictorian, salutatorian, and giftorian is based on the cumulative grade point average (see page 27). Students selected as valedictorian, salutatorian, and giftorian must qualify behaviorally for a leadership/honor privilege (see page 33).

Summer residential schools provide gifted and talented rising high school juniors and seniors from across the State with intensive educational experiences in visual and performing arts, humanities, science, technology, or mentorships. Students submit applications to the school in late fall, and the school selects nominees to be forwarded to regional and then state selection committees according to the number of allotted slots. Consideration is given to a student’s academic record, test scores, co-curricular activities, creativity, original essays, and teacher recommendations. Students in the arts audition or submit portfolios of selected work samples for review.

The Wall English Award is presented each year to the member of the senior class who best exemplifies the following qualities:

  • Demonstrates an understanding and deep appreciation of literature
  • Demonstrates exception talent in the writer’s craft
  • Is inquisitive and shows originality and depth of thought
  • Demonstrates an enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and ideas with others
  • Exhibits behavior which is a positive influence on other students