
General MUSIC & Recorders (PK-4)
At the lower school level, all students in grades PK-3 participate weekly in music class. The music program at the lower school builds music concepts and skills while involving children in movement, speech, rhythm, singing, playing instruments, and improvisation. Students in grade 4 receive weekly instruction in recorders and the ukulele, where the focus is on learning and reading notes, and the beginnings of playing an instrument. Our music program at the lower school level produces numerous performances including a holiday and grandparents' day program.
Band - A Tradition of Winning
The purpose of the Fuqua School Band Program is to teach students the musical skills to become proficient on their specified instrument. These same skills can be carried throughout their life to apply to any musical experience. Fuqua School has long had a tradition of musical excellence both in performance and competition. The band is a large part of the school culture and will continue to develop its role in the school community and community as a whole. It is also the goal of the band program and its directors for the students to learn in a positive environment where they are valued and feel comfortable creating and expressing themselves through music. The nature of the courses requires students to be actively engaged in the learning process throughout class. Students will also be challenged to work together as an ensemble, learn self discipline through practice, and practice critical thinking through evaluation and improvement of performance.
5th Grade Beginning Band
5th Grade Beginning Band is an introductory program open to all students who are interested in learning how to play a band instrument. Instruction is offered for brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. No prior musical training is required.

6th Grade Band
6th Grade Band students will continue to explore and develop mastery of the history, theory and performance of concert band music. Students must have completed one successful year of an introductory level band course; however, special needs may allow the director to audition and give special permission to students who do not meet the experience requirement.
Intermediate band 7/8
Intermediate Band (grade 7 & 8) students will continue to explore and develop mastery of the history, theory and performance of concert band music. Students must have completed two successful years of an introductory level band course; however, special needs may allow the director to audition and give special permission to students who do not meet the experience requirement.
Concert Band (Grades 9-12)
The Concert Band (grades 9-12) is offered throughout the year to students who play wind or percussion instruments. Students will explore the history, theory and performance of a variety of styles including marching, jazz, pop and concert band music. Prior to Senior Band, students must have completed three successful years of introductory and intermediate band courses. The Senior Band has many performances over during the school year. Many of these performances will include events to support the school community and the community at large including football games, the Veteran’s Day service, concerts, and parades.