Parent Teacher Student Association
As a parent of a Falcon, you are automatically a member of the Fuqua School PTSA. Unlike a PTA, there are no fees or dues. The goal of the PTSA is to help support every aspect of school life and encourage parent participation in the various PTSA activities. The PTSA sponsors several fundraisers throughout the year to assist in the school’s financial needs. The PTSA does NOT just focus on one area of the school such as the visual and performing arts or athletics; our focus is on every aspect of school life that will have the greatest impact on students, faculty, and staff while helping financially as we are able. We work with the Rural Education Foundation’s board, the school’s administrators, and its faculty and staff to help provide input on issues that affect the students, classrooms, and instruction. We play a vital role in supporting the school through volunteering, organizing events, and advocating for the students, faculty, and staff.
As a parent and a member of the PTSA, you can help! We do NOT ask for a huge time commitment. Every contribution, whether it be time, money, or a physical donation to an event helps. Every little bit helps! Examples of ways you can participate in PTSA-sponsored events include: donating goodies during Teacher Appreciation Week, volunteering an hour to work concessions at a sporting event, or selling mums for our annual fall fundraiser. Again, no amount of help is ever too small. You and your family are what makes Fuqua special. You can help the PTSA to enhance your child’s experiences at Fuqua. It takes a village!
If you would like more information on how you can become involved, please contact the PTSA.
The mission of the Fuqua School PTSA is to provide support for the school through fundraising, volunteer services, organizing events, and parent involvement. This mission is accomplished by encouraging volunteerism, parent participation, assisting with faculty, staff, and student goals, and serving as ambassadors for the school within the broader community. The PTSA helps promote excellence and a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.
Executive Board
President: Sarah Grant
Vice President: Jenny Witko
Secretary: Lindsey Stokes
Treasurer: Marie-Helene Godin